Monday, December 30, 2019

United States Army Aerial Demonstration Teams

United States Army Aerial Demonstration TeamsUnited States Army Aerial Demonstration TeamsIn the early 1970s, the United States Army wished to demonstrate the capabilities of Army Aviation(in a similar manner as the Thunderbirds and Blue Angels), using the 1972 U.S. International Transportation Exposition at Dulles International Airport - better known as Transpo 72 - as a springboard for the team. Since the Army had no fixed-wing fighter aircraft (refer to Function of the Armed Forces and the Joint Chiefs of Staff 1948), their option was to either use the fixed-wing aircraft they had such as those used for cargo transport or reconnaissance or use their rotary-wing aircraft. In 1972, the Silver Eagles were organized.The mission of the team was to assist US Army personnel procurement and retention efforts and to contribute to the public understanding of the role of Army aircraft by demonstrating proficiency and versatility in the wertzuwachs of precision helicopter flight. Early D ays When first organized, the Silver Eagles were the only helicopter demonstration team in America. Based atFort Rucker, Alabama, the Silver Eagles consisted of 25 enlisted volunteers and 12 officer aviators.The team was assigned two helicopter models - nine OH-6A Cayuse helicopters that had been completely overhauled after seeing combat service in Viet Nam, and 9 factory-fresh OH-58 Kiowa helicopters.Shortly after their organization, though, the OH-58 helicopters were transferred to other units and the Silver Eagles retained the nine OH-6As painted in olive drab and white colors. Though an aerial demonstration team, their routines did bedrngnis consist of aerobatics rather, the routines consisted of flying techniques Army aviators were required to master.Speeds and altitudes of precision maneuvers ranged from zero miles per hour at ground level to 140 miles per hour at one thousand feet. Seven helicopters were used during each demonstration, with specific names/positions Lead, L eft Wing, Right Wing, Slot, Lead Solo, Opposing Solo and Bozo the Clown.The Bozo unit wore the face of a clown a red nose, big eyes, and floppy ears and a straw hat - and performed antics to entertain the audience while the other aircraft were positioning for the next maneuver such as playing with barrels along the ground or playing with its yo-yo.Due to the use of Bozo, there was almost always at least one helicopter performing in front of the crowd at all times during their normal 35-minute presentation. Public Appearances The teams first public appearance was at the Aviation Centers Armed Forces Day Celebration in 1972 at Cairns Army Airfield, Fort Rucker, AL.Their first official performance was for Transpo 72, where the team performed two shows daily.The teams success at Transpo 72 convinced the Army brass on the desirability of having a permanent demonstration team. In early 1973, the Silver Eagles received official position as the United States Army Aviation Precision D emonstration Team (USAAPDT). In 1974, the Silver Eagles were composed of seven demonstration pilots and 30 ground staff, with the addition of a De Havilland Canada DHC-4 Caribou support cargo aircraft painted in the new blue and white color scheme. In February 1975, the Silver Eagles made their international debut in Ottawa, Canada and were recognized by the Army Aviation Association of America (Quad-A) as the most outstanding aviation unit in the Army. Sadly, the teams final performance was in 1976 on 21 November, the Silver Eagles flew at the Blue Angels Homecoming air show in Pensacola, Florida, and then performed its final show at its home field of Knox Field, Ft. Rucker, AL, on November 23, 1976. Final Thoughts During the four years of its existence,the Silver Eagles shared the stage with the Blue Angels, Thunderbirds, and the Golden Knights parachute team.A more comprehensive source of information/history on the team would be Dancing Rotors A History of US Military Helico pter Precision Flight Demonstration Teams. Unfortunately, this book is out of print, but perhaps a used copy can be found in a used bookstore or someplace like eBay if one is willing to pay the price (at the time of writing, a copy on eBay was listed for $95.00 or best offer).

Thursday, December 26, 2019

7 Questions Moms Should Ask Before Quitting Their Job

7 Questions Moms Should Ask Before Quitting Their Job7 Questions Moms Should Ask Before Quitting Their JobShould I quit my job? is a question you may ask yourself when you just no longer want to balance work and home-life. Maybe you are asking this question because of a life-changing event like youre pregnant, youve given birth, or you just had a second child. But could you leave your job? Quitting your job cant be an impulsive decision because it affects your familys security as well as yourfuture career prospects.So to help you decide if quitting is the right thing to do, you should yourself the following seven questions 1. Is a Work-Related Challenge Making Me Want to Quit? When youre having a crisis at work or your child is struggling in school, its easy to think, If only I could quit my job, all these problems would go away. But if you resign rashly, you may find that your underlying problems remain and youve given up your income for nothing. Blaming your work for your probl ems, without thinking it through, might be a mistake. This is especially true for those major life transitions, such as returning frommaternity leave, starting anew job, or changing childcare. Its dangerous to make a big decision like quitting your job while something else big is happening in your life.Give yourself a few weeks to see if things simmer down. In the meantime, write about whats going on at work in your journal. Be as honest as possible. Writing about your problems can do a few things for you. Writing gives you the chance to sit and think about your problems. Where if you think about things while youre loading the washer thoughts just come and go. Also, when you write it gives you the chance to mull over what you wrote. Read it over the next day and see if a solution pops out at you. 2. Can I Afford to Quit? You may be dying to quit but will you have to default on your mortgage and car payments as a result? Now is a great time to review your finances.Check out your checking account and credit card statements and analyze how you are spending your income. There may be a way tocut some of your monthly costs. You might want to ask yourself the following questions Are there any major life expensesI could decrease, like moving to a smaller house or getting rid of a car?Could I workpart-time workto help alleviate the drop in income? What type of job would help fill the gap?How much will I save on commuting, work clothes, child care and eating out, etc., if I quit? (Think about all those harried work nights when its just easier to pick up takeout than cook a cheap, healthy meal.What other expenses do I have that are a luxury and not a necessity? Could I imagine life without these perks? Where do I shop? Are there other places I could shop to save a few bucks? 3. Am I Working to Pay for Childcare? Maybe youre in a situation where you love your work but hate how much of your income goes to childcare. Your budget is the tightest when your children ar e under 5 or over 18 when youre paying for college. If you have preschoolers know that thecost of childcarewill drop dramatically once theyre in public school. Try looking at the long-term picture when you write that monthly daycare check. It may be worth it to pay as much if not mora for childcare if its only for a few years. Especially if youre in a field where employment is tight. 4. How Easy Would It Be to Re-Enter the Workforce? If you quit, would you be cutting yourself off from working in your field in the future? In many industries, theres a clear road from education to mid-career employment, and its impossible to break in once you step off the path. Look around you. Do you see older moms who took some time off? Or has everyone worked steadily since receiving their degree? Perhaps you could be a trailblazer who leans in If you are in a field that doesnt forgive breaks in employment, you need to be realistic about your prospects for returning to work. Although re-entry is nt as big of a concern if you dislike your job and want to change fields. Look into thecareeryou would like to switch to, and see if you could prepare yourself for a change while spending mora time at home. 5. Would Quitting Hurt My Familys Security? Money makes you feel like your family is secure. That they get all the things that they need and maybe some things that they want like dance class, music lessons, or sports. If you quit would your family be secure, money-wise? Maybe your spouse earns enough to pay your monthly bills. Or, if youre a single mom, you may count on having enough freelance or part-time work to manage.This is the time to be brutally honest. Think about the worst case scenario. If your spouse was laid off how would your family get by? Where would you find health insurance coverage? What is your safety net? If you want to quit, have a backup plan first. Build up your savings so you can better weather any storms that may come your way. Know where you could pu rchase health or dental insurance. If you are getting any discounts from your work, could you pay bills at their full price? 6. Could I Cut Back Your Hours Instead of Quitting? Cutting back the time you spend at work may ease stress over work/life balance. Since youre already on the verge of giving your notice, it doesnt hurt to ask about part-time or flexible options. You never know when an employer might be open tonegotiating a flexible schedule. You could start a job search for a job that is more flexible. Look around your organization for roles that might be at a similar level but not as demanding. Network with colleagues at other companies to see if youd be happier somewhere else. 7. Would I Enjoy Being a Stay-At-Home Mom? Weve all had those stay-at-home-mom fantasies. Youre racing to work after another bout ofseparation anxietyat daycare drop-off, and you spot a mom playing with her child in the park. That could be me you think to yourself. Not so fast. The life of a s tay-at-home mom isnt all roses and clover. There are a lot of repeating the same tasks that youd have to endure without much gratitude. Being on duty 24-7 can exhaust your patience making parenting more challenging. Are you up for this? Many moms find that they enjoy their kids more by having focused time with them outside of the workday. Many moms find that they enjoy their kids more by having focused time with them outside of the workday. Are you one of them? Give this question some thought. You owe it to yourself and your family to make sure youd be happy as a stay-at-home mom. In the end, being a hands-on mom is a short-term job. Your baby will head off to elementary school in five years. Then in another 13 years, they graduate high school. (If all goes well) Dont make a decision that will have long-term implications by only considering your present situation.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The 6 Mindset Principles of Successful People

The 6 Mindset Principles of Successful People The 6 Mindset Principles of Successful People Article by Julian HayesThe path to accomplishing your biggest dreams and goals has never been clearer, thanks to the wealth of information on personal and professional success now available.However, just because the price of admission to the game has decreased, that doesnt mean the journey will be a cakewalk. That said, its also not quantum physics. In reality,all that separates getting what you want and falling short is a small gap, and it all comes down to your mindset.If youre looking to become the best version of yourself, youll need to implement certain mindset principles - the same ones the most successful people adopt. Start with these six1. Keep Your Word to YourselfWhen you do what you say youre going to do, you build self-respect and a positive identity. Successful people understand that every time you break the promises you make to yourself, you feed your identity as an impostor and weaken your self-confidence as a person of action.For example, if you commit to exercising 30 minutes each day, then do it. Regardless of the outcome, your character is being positively molded, and that will generate momentum along your journey.2. Use Envy to Your AdvantageWanting something you dont currently have is a behavior rooted in your DNA, but just because its a normal feeling doesnt mean you cant control it or leverage it to your benefit.Successful people understand that beneath the layers of envy lies a core need they desire. Ask yourself why you feel envy. If youre eyeing someone elses money, for example, figure out what that money would represent for you. fruchtwein often, its time and freedom. Once you know the root cause of your envy, you canfind ways to gain the things you actually want - like time and freedom - right now while building your dream.3.Dont Pity YourselfOne of the biggest differentiators between those who stay the course of personal growthand those who get off track is the ability to rebound quickly from setbacks. Successful people understand that life isnt fair and that theyre not entitled to anything. They also understand that wallowing and making excuses for themselves only zaps their personal power.When you blame external circumstances, youre effectively giving your personal power away. The key in life is not what happens to you, but how you react to what happens to you.4. Understand That Failure Is FeedbackFailure is about perspective. In fact,there is no such thing as failure unless you deem it to be so. Successful people understand that failure is an illusion created inside their minds, and they perform mental alchemy to construct empowering realities instead. When successful people chase after a goal, two things can happen They either achieve their desired result or get feedback. Falling short of your goal isnt a failure, its a lesson you can use for next time.5. Operate With an Investors MentalityJust as the stock ma rket always experiences fluctuations, your personal journey will experience peaks and valleys. Investors who stay long term with their investments despite the flux are often rewarded for their patience. This same logic applies to your personal development. Successful people understand that emotions and outcomes rise and fall along the way. The key is to stay the course and view the journey as a marathon, not a sprint. Operate with an investors mentality and delay gratification today for something great tomorrow.6. Fixate on the Vision, But Be Flexible on the DetailsThink of your goals as the destination andyour various actions, habits, and strategies as your vehicles. Numerous potential vehicles can help you arrive at your desired destination the key lies in finding the right ones uniquely suited to you. Successful people are stubborn with what they want, but they understand that arriving at the end destination will involve detours and unexpected side roads to explore. What gets you to Point A wont necessarily get you to Point B.As you keep growing and progressing, you need to continually evolve and be open to new ideas. If you dont or arent, then you could miss opportunities and further extend your timeline.A version of this article originally appeared on Hayes II is the founder of The Art of Fitness Life. He is an author, health and wellness consultant, and speaker operating at the nexus of creativity, health, and business. His mission is to help you integrate health and wellness into a life you love while increasing your energy, productivity, and wertmiger zuwachs at work. His book, Body Architect, is a real-world guide designed to help you create a life you love while creating a body you love.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Survey 41% of employees feel shamed for taking vacation

Survey 41% of employees feel shamed for taking vacationSurvey 41% of employees feel shamed for taking vacationDo you ever get nervous before asking your employer for permission to use your vacation days?New research fromAlamo Rent A Car found that this year, 41% of employees reported feeling like they were being vacation shamed - which the study defines as being made to feel a sense of shame or guilt by coworkers, their supervisor or their employer for taking time off to go on vacation.Other results showed that social media plays a large role in not only how people plan out their vacations, but also how well they rate them. Thirty-nine percent of families say social media images have affected what they decide on for vacation, and 23% of those surveyed have witnessed a family vacation go off the rails because of social media overall.Rob Connors, vice president of brand marketing for Alamo Rent A Car, commented on the research in a statementThe majority of U.S. families believe the bi ggest benefit of taking a family vacation is spending time together. But many people arent taking full advantage of their relaxation and quality time together on vacation because theyre distracted by work and, more recently, by social media.Vacation shaming happens in the office27%say theyve vacation shamed people they work with17%say feeling like theyre experiencing this could potentially stop them from planning to ortaking time offWork and social media distractions16%say itd be impossible for them to unplug from social media when vacationing with family43%wish it was possible to take time off from social media platforms59%report working during time off, and 57% do so because theyd rather not be swamped when they returnSocial media pressure16%of families surveyed reported that their time off was impacted by how good the images would look like online20%of families sometimes feel pressured to put up pictures of family vacation so other users know theyre having fun25%of parents feel t his way, vs. 14% of those without children34%of millennials say theyve made vacation plans according to how good they think the pictures would look onlineSocial medias influence on free time60%of millennials say their time away from work is impacted by it,versus 29% of those outside that generation56%of families use Facebook for vacation ideas39%of families say social media images have impacted what they do on vacationWorkplace vacation days40%think they need to justify taking time off51%of employees with paid time off used it all57%of dads didnt use all days, compared to 40% of momsAfter vacation, its not over93%of moms think more free time after family vacation is necessary to recover from it, versus 88% of dads26%surveyed think going on vacation with their families takes more of a toll on them than relaxing

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

10 things you need to know if youre moving abroad

10 things you need to know if youre moving abroad10 things you need to know if youre moving abroadMoving your whole life from one country to abedrngnisher can truly be an exciting part of your life but also a stressful time, so you want to make sure you have everything in order before you settle down in the new country. If you ask us, this is is imperative if you want to start on the right foot.The experts at Property Turkey have listed their Top 10 things you should be aware of before heading off on your new adventure.1. Passports VisasMaking sure your passports have been updated, and visas have been bought prior to travel is essential for allowing you to settle in that country. It would be best to get these done sooner rather than later to prevent last-minute stresses that you dont need.2. Local customsIf you plan to work overseas you should really get to know the local business customs of your new home, its important to observe zwischenstaatlich business customs to develop succes sful relationships.3. UK tax requirementsSo youre moving to another country, but this doesnt mean that you can escape your tax responsibilities from home. It would be best to check with an advisor on this to understand how it will work for you in your new country of residence.4. Medical health insuranceDepending on what country you are living in you will need to decide which medical insurance to take and what would be best for you which may also depend on your line of work. You shouldnt assume youre automatically covered by the countrys health system, as each country has its own unique set of requirements for receiving care.5. PetsIf youre planning on bringing your pets along with you, there are a number of things you will need to consider and organize prior to moving day such as transportation, immunization and also cost of living for pets in the country your settling in.6. Driving and getting aroundIf youre planning on driving in the country youre moving to, it would be a good id ea to broaden your knowledge on the local driving laws and regulations. The international driving license is recognized internationally however you may also need to purchase a local driving license as well.7. Cost of livingBefore you head off to your new place of residence, you really need to fully understand your future financial situation, you will need to figure out the various different costs of food, fuel, drink and general life pleasantries to ensure your new wage will cover this.8. VaccinationsBefore leaving you should arrange an appointment with your doctor to see if you will need any vaccinations prior to the move. If you are moving somewhere tropical it may be worth a visit as it will be a lot harder to find somewhere to get vaccinated once out there.9. AccessibilityYou may wish to return to the UK occasionally, as well as your family and friends booking flights to come over and see you before you decide on your new country of residence, it may be worth looking into fligh t prices and accessibility to the airport to make sure this is feasible.10. LanguageIf you are moving to a country with a foreign language, it is always worth learning vital elements of the language, especially if you plan to live there long term. There are many language pocket books available where you can learn the basics so youre not a complete fish out of water.

Friday, December 6, 2019

What is Truly Happening with Resume Adverbs

What is Truly Happening with Resume Adverbs The increasing number of essay writing services is wholly overwhelming. There are a couple of dozen different resume templates readily available online, but the majority of them suck. All our resume templates are in Microsoft Word, that is the simplest program to use. It is possible to choose adjectives to suit the area or department you would like to enter. What You Should Do About Resume Adverbs Starting in the Next 15 Minutes The keywords in your resume can help you get selected for a work interview. Resumes are not any different in that respect. By being specific, youre give the hiring manager a better idea about what you actually did while at work. Align your resume wording to that of the work description to demonstrate that you understand what is required and you have the experience required to excel. When its linked to your intended job, list the business and job title only. The job titles youve held before can produce a difference. When it has to do with a work ad, every word counts Whatever position youre trying for, reliably is an adverb that needs to be on every CV. The best method to get the fruchtwein essential nouns for you is to have a number job descriptions for the work type youre seeking and search for common nouns used. Top Resume Adverbs Secrets Its not possible to tell by the look of a word that its an adverb. When you would like to bring attention to a degree of rapidity or to an amount of languidness, you require an adverb to spell out another adverb. A suitable noun is simply a name given to a frequent noun to make it even more specific. In German, any adjective can be utilized as an adverb. There are 3 kinds of declension that you have to learn for attributive adjectives. It is possible to use closely-related synonyms, but its best to simply use the exact same adjectives and keywords. The very first list includes metaphors that are simpler to comprehend and identify. The d efinition of a suitable noun depends on the comprehension of common nouns. Be certain to be thoughtful once you use action verbs. Be aware that compound verbs depending on the irregular verbs inherit the exact same irregularities. The most suitable action verbs also get rid of the demand for adverbs, and sometimes, adjectives. Finding the Best Resume Adverbs Numbers may also be utilised to spell out precise quantities. Think about including a hyperlink to your LinkedIn profile or skilled webpage if youve got one. A Secret Weapon for Resume Adverbs Numbers also permit you to showcase your achievements and abilities that others might not have. Soft skills are a valuable part of your resume. Want to Know More About Resume Adverbs? Its very difficult to learn how to swim of course itll be well worth it in the long run. Therefore, youre likely going to need lots of descriptive adjectives. Since you may see, including a compound adjective will make it possible for you to sp ell out the tiny girls age without requiring a wholly distinct sentence. Its essential to notenzeichen that if using more than one descriptive adjective, youre likely to have to write them within their proper purchase. Becoming in a position to have things done quickly in the job place is paramount, especially whenever there are deadlines. A whole lot of well-meaning individuals will suggest you ought to use action verbs. When something is straightforward, people are somewhat more open to the notion of using it. The rest is really much your resume.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

5 Reasons Talent Acquisition Is About More Than Luck - Spark Hire

5 Reasons Talent Acquisition Is About More Than Luck - Spark HireMost recruiters have said it at some point in their career Im so lucky I found that candidate. Hes going to knock everybodys socks off. But in reality, being able to consistently find great talent has little to do with luck. Solid talent acquisition requires a strategic plan and directive. Unfortunately, thats easier said than done. A 2015 Adecco survey found that 47 percent of respondents said sourcing candidates is one of the biggest problems HR is currently facing. If you want to find and land great talent, youre going to need more than a four-leaf clover and a rabbits foot.If you want to create a hiring strategy that leaves nothing to chance, take the advice of these experts1. Great talent is more than just their skills.A generation ago, hiring was all about experience. Being passionate about the position and the work was discouraged. Today, a candidate who cannot approach their work with passion and doesnt fit into your companys culture probably isnt going to work out. Hiring based on personality and then training for the position has filled our company with amazing people. Hire someone with 75 to 85 percent of the skill platzdeckchen required for an opening. If the leading candidate shares your vision and values, has a great personality, and is willing to make the effort, then you have a perfect recipe for a great hire.Joseph Camberato, President, National Business CapitalWhats your secret recipe for a great hire?Click To Tweet2. Rely on more than just your gut.I think the worst thing you can do is hire based on your gut feeling. Having a recruitment plan allows you to take any emotion or subjectivity out of the process and make sure youre only hiring top talent. Anyone can be charming in an interview, but that doesnt necessarily mean that candidate will be your star performer.Our hiring plan involves extensive and even tedious screening before we ever meet the candidate face to face. We req uire a very detailed job application and a couple hours worth of skills and aptitude tests that make sure we are being as deliberate and scientific as possible in identifying top talent. That way, when a candidate does get to the final interview, we already know they are qualified, and we can just relax and look for a great cultural fit for our team.Ashlyn Walker, Office Administrator, J I.T. Outsource3. Fish in the right pond, with the right bait.When searching for top talent, one has to have a strategy and a process on where to search and how to attract them. If you want to catch the big fish, you have to fish in the waters they swim in and use the right bait. Unfortunately, most companies do the same thing to catch Moby Dick as they do to catch a goldfish. It doesnt work. Have a defined, specific job description with a competitive compensation plan and then search the areas these superstars frequent. The plan should also be a multi-faceted approach using social media, networking , company events, and intercompany referral programs.Mike Smith, Founder, SalesCoaching1.com4. Dont let big personennames distract you.Looking for and finding the top talent isnt about paying the most money for a name in your industry its about finding the most synergistic person for the teams you already have established. Ive seen many companies hire big names, whom required big salaries and sign-on bonuses, only to have them clash with the existing team so badly that their impact was negative. My best advice is to have a list of needs, wants, and soft-skill requirements. This will ensure the top talent doesnt turn into the top regret.Joshua M. Evans, CEO and Founder, Enthusiastic YouJust because someone is a big name in the industry, doesnt mean theyre the right employee for you. EnthusiasticYou TalentAquisitionClick To Tweet5. Luck means nothing without hard work.Luck favors the prepared Great recruiters and those companies with a recruiting culture have processes and programs in place to build and market a great employment brand. So when you happen to be in the right place, at the right time to discover that just-right candidate, it really isnt karma or some cosmic accident it was the culmination of hard work. Put another way, its like saying that winning a gold medal at the Olympics or landing a huge account at work is just luck. You dont reach the pinnacle of your area of expertise through luck alone.Kyle Bruss, Director of Talent Acquisition, Talent Plus, Inc.In what other ways is a solid talent acquisition strategy better than luck? Share in the comments below