Thursday, December 26, 2019
7 Questions Moms Should Ask Before Quitting Their Job
7 Questions Moms Should Ask Before Quitting Their Job7 Questions Moms Should Ask Before Quitting Their JobShould I quit my job? is a question you may ask yourself when you just no longer want to balance work and home-life. Maybe you are asking this question because of a life-changing event like youre pregnant, youve given birth, or you just had a second child. But could you leave your job? Quitting your job cant be an impulsive decision because it affects your familys security as well as yourfuture career prospects.So to help you decide if quitting is the right thing to do, you should yourself the following seven questions 1. Is a Work-Related Challenge Making Me Want to Quit? When youre having a crisis at work or your child is struggling in school, its easy to think, If only I could quit my job, all these problems would go away. But if you resign rashly, you may find that your underlying problems remain and youve given up your income for nothing. Blaming your work for your probl ems, without thinking it through, might be a mistake. This is especially true for those major life transitions, such as returning frommaternity leave, starting anew job, or changing childcare. Its dangerous to make a big decision like quitting your job while something else big is happening in your life.Give yourself a few weeks to see if things simmer down. In the meantime, write about whats going on at work in your journal. Be as honest as possible. Writing about your problems can do a few things for you. Writing gives you the chance to sit and think about your problems. Where if you think about things while youre loading the washer thoughts just come and go. Also, when you write it gives you the chance to mull over what you wrote. Read it over the next day and see if a solution pops out at you. 2. Can I Afford to Quit? You may be dying to quit but will you have to default on your mortgage and car payments as a result? Now is a great time to review your finances.Check out your checking account and credit card statements and analyze how you are spending your income. There may be a way tocut some of your monthly costs. You might want to ask yourself the following questions Are there any major life expensesI could decrease, like moving to a smaller house or getting rid of a car?Could I workpart-time workto help alleviate the drop in income? What type of job would help fill the gap?How much will I save on commuting, work clothes, child care and eating out, etc., if I quit? (Think about all those harried work nights when its just easier to pick up takeout than cook a cheap, healthy meal.What other expenses do I have that are a luxury and not a necessity? Could I imagine life without these perks? Where do I shop? Are there other places I could shop to save a few bucks? 3. Am I Working to Pay for Childcare? Maybe youre in a situation where you love your work but hate how much of your income goes to childcare. Your budget is the tightest when your children ar e under 5 or over 18 when youre paying for college. If you have preschoolers know that thecost of childcarewill drop dramatically once theyre in public school. Try looking at the long-term picture when you write that monthly daycare check. It may be worth it to pay as much if not mora for childcare if its only for a few years. Especially if youre in a field where employment is tight. 4. How Easy Would It Be to Re-Enter the Workforce? If you quit, would you be cutting yourself off from working in your field in the future? In many industries, theres a clear road from education to mid-career employment, and its impossible to break in once you step off the path. Look around you. Do you see older moms who took some time off? Or has everyone worked steadily since receiving their degree? Perhaps you could be a trailblazer who leans in If you are in a field that doesnt forgive breaks in employment, you need to be realistic about your prospects for returning to work. Although re-entry is nt as big of a concern if you dislike your job and want to change fields. Look into thecareeryou would like to switch to, and see if you could prepare yourself for a change while spending mora time at home. 5. Would Quitting Hurt My Familys Security? Money makes you feel like your family is secure. That they get all the things that they need and maybe some things that they want like dance class, music lessons, or sports. If you quit would your family be secure, money-wise? Maybe your spouse earns enough to pay your monthly bills. Or, if youre a single mom, you may count on having enough freelance or part-time work to manage.This is the time to be brutally honest. Think about the worst case scenario. If your spouse was laid off how would your family get by? Where would you find health insurance coverage? What is your safety net? If you want to quit, have a backup plan first. Build up your savings so you can better weather any storms that may come your way. Know where you could pu rchase health or dental insurance. If you are getting any discounts from your work, could you pay bills at their full price? 6. Could I Cut Back Your Hours Instead of Quitting? Cutting back the time you spend at work may ease stress over work/life balance. Since youre already on the verge of giving your notice, it doesnt hurt to ask about part-time or flexible options. You never know when an employer might be open tonegotiating a flexible schedule. You could start a job search for a job that is more flexible. Look around your organization for roles that might be at a similar level but not as demanding. Network with colleagues at other companies to see if youd be happier somewhere else. 7. Would I Enjoy Being a Stay-At-Home Mom? Weve all had those stay-at-home-mom fantasies. Youre racing to work after another bout ofseparation anxietyat daycare drop-off, and you spot a mom playing with her child in the park. That could be me you think to yourself. Not so fast. The life of a s tay-at-home mom isnt all roses and clover. There are a lot of repeating the same tasks that youd have to endure without much gratitude. Being on duty 24-7 can exhaust your patience making parenting more challenging. Are you up for this? Many moms find that they enjoy their kids more by having focused time with them outside of the workday. Many moms find that they enjoy their kids more by having focused time with them outside of the workday. Are you one of them? Give this question some thought. You owe it to yourself and your family to make sure youd be happy as a stay-at-home mom. In the end, being a hands-on mom is a short-term job. Your baby will head off to elementary school in five years. Then in another 13 years, they graduate high school. (If all goes well) Dont make a decision that will have long-term implications by only considering your present situation.
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