Friday, July 24, 2020

4 Reasons to use Gamification for Employee Rewards - Workology

4 Reasons to use Gamification for Employee Rewards - Workology Gamification in Your Workplace? Gamification is quickly changing company dynamics in ways it has ever before. Gamification is the integration of game mechanics or game dynamics into a website, service, community, campaign, or work. The use of gamification in the workplace is becoming standard in the industry in order to improve employee engagement and now employee rewards. Companies like Rypple,, Redcritter, and much more are introducing employee rewards through the use of gamification. If implemented correctly, gamification can add a lot of value to any company’s employee rewards program. There are several overreaching goals and benefits to using gamification as a type of employee rewards. Here are a few of the benefits in introducing gamification in the workplace: Motivation. Motivation has always been a central problem for leaders and managers. Unmotivated employees are likely to spend little or not effort in their jobs and avoid the workplace as much as possible. One of the initial benefits of introducing gamification in employee rewards is increased motivation. If your work environment caters to repetitive job duties and tasks that are more routine versus creative, introducing gamification with a goal can break up this tedious flow of work. Creating a Positive Work Culture. A positive workplace culture leads to benefits managers and leaders in an organization only dream about. This leads to increased productivity, better employee morale, and the ability to keep your highly skilled workers. Gamification helps in creating a positive work culture because it introduces comradery and good-spirited competition within the workplace. Employees are more engaged and will start interacting more with each other, which increases their attitude on a day-to-day basis. Encourages Sales Team to Reach Targets. Who doesn’t love setting goals and getting rewarded at the same time? Sales teams strive to reach goals and different tiers of rewards. Introducing gamification into the sales aspect of a business is the ultimate motivator and will not only increase bottom lines, but it’ll retain the talent that helps your company achieve its overall goals. If a sales team sets goals, but doesn’t have any reward (other than losing their job…) at the end of reaching the goal, top talent might soon go elsewhere. Sales is a highly competitive game and at the end of most games, rewards reign supreme. Helps Brand Your Company. Employer branding is one of the most crucial aspects of hiring and retaining top talent. As employers introduce different types of programs to further their employment brand, gamification is one that is on the rise in popularity. Marketing departments have been using gamification to engage audiences through recognition, specials employee rewards, and are being tailored to every aspect of the job. The truly engaged brand is one of the most favorable in the eyes of job seekers. Whether its used to increase motivation, create a positive work culture, encourage sales teams, or building an overall company brand, gamification is making its way into the company world and can dynamically change the way employees are interacting. As this trend becomes bigger, companies will be required to introduce this type of program into their companies to retain top talent in their industry. Gamification in Your Workplace? Have you successfully introduced gamification into your work culture? If so, what successes have you seen from it?

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